As you probably know, I failed to deliver on last week's recap. So for that, I give a double-dose of the LOST blog this week! Rather than write out a blog for
Happily Ever After, I would like to share a video I found on a fellow blogger's website ( This video recaps the episode better than I could ever hope to. Trust MUST see this video.
I wanted to get into Lost this year, but I hadn't seen the previous seasons and it was too much to catch up on. *sigh*
Perhaps the next time we see Sun she'll have remembered the Island, since the last we saw her she got shot by a wayward bullet.
To me it looked like John Locke was having visions or something after he was hit by the car, but I like the possibility of Jack operating on him and possibly "fixing" him.
I'm hoping Sawyer and Juliet find each other somehow.
I have no idea how Shannon would come to play, especially if she's still in Australia.
Yeah, I don't see Ben and Miles surviving, but I guess Richard can't die.
Illana's explosion was indeed jaw-dropping. I'm not sure if it was Jacob that let her die, though. If the Island was done with her, then I'm not even sure if Jacob could've saved her. However, looking at it another way, it just goes to show that bad things happen to good people, too, and that even if you follow to "good god" then you're still vulnerable to life.
Overall, this was a fantastic episode. Next week's "The Last Recruit" will hopefully get Jin back with the losties and everyone will be together again.
Watching that muppet video is still hilarious, and I think I've watched it a hundred times.
Kendra- Thanks for stopping by. LOST is a pretty awesome show, but definitely one you would have to watch from the beginning to have any idea what is going on, lol.
Logan- I totally forgot about Sun getting shot. Excellent point.
I agree on Locke. He's definitely having visions as he looks up from the pavement. I'm thinking Jack will have his "flash" whenever he operates on John.
Sorry to hear about Keisha's wreck, but very thankful that everyone was ok. I've had one before and it's not fun.
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